Orlov (Daniel Olbrychski) who are being questioned stated that there was a mission called Day X. This mission aims to kill the Russian president who is visiting the United States and who shall serve as the killer is Evelyn Salt. Results of analysis of brain wave state that Orlov honest, which means Salt is a double agent. Aware that in jeopardy, then Salt escape. At the same time, Orlov also managed to escape from the CIA and reinforce the notion that Salt is involved.
The next day, the Salt managed to enter the church that used to last respects to the late vice-president of the United States. At the same time the Russian President also attended the event. Unexpectedly, the Salt and then kill the president. Instead of fleeing, Salt instead surrendered but later escaped again. In an instant, Salt, initially was a fugitive CIA agent number one in the United States. Who was Evelyn Salt? Does his past while living in the Soviet Union is part of all this?
Everyone knows that Angelina Jolie is beautiful and it is inevitably one of the attractions of this movie. But make no mistake, not only that which would be exploited by Phillip Noyce from this film. SALT is the movie action but have a different touch with most action movies are crisp but never make full. From Kurt Wimmer wrote the script and Brian Helgeland, Phillip capable of turning it into a spectacle that intriguing but at the same tense because it presents game action.
In a way, from beginning to end, Angelina Jolie almost never stop to draw breath. Scene after scene is very tightly strung together as if not willing to lower the tension a bit. But when the eyes are pampered with a series of scenes earlier, there are still unanswered questions, "Who is the Salt?" That's why this film so interesting.
About acting, this is not a drama movie and did not we can not demand more. But globally, both Angelina, Liev Schreiber, and Chiwetel Ejiofor, playing quite beautiful. If anything that feels less relevant perhaps is the effort to raise again the issue of cold war that was already stale. Because it also 'touch' Middle East and then inserted
Genre: Action
Release Date: July 23, 2010
Director: Phillip Noyce
Script: Kurt Wimmer, Brian Helgeland
Producer: Lorenzo Bonaventura, Sunil Perkash
Distributor: Columbia Pictures
Duration: 100 minutes
Budget: U.S. $ 130 million
Official Site: www.whoissalt.com
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